Welcome linguist,


great to meet you on this marketplace.


In advance and on behalf of all authors and the entire readership, we thank you and all those warmly who take the time and make the effort to translate the available stories.


Please inform us in advance about your planned interests by using the below form, so that potential will be used wise.


Please send any translation as doc-file to: story[ät]fairstep.org.


Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.



Declaration of consent:


I hereby declare that my translation was done to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I assure that I have made no changes with regards to contents nor changed meaning and context in total as well as in individual cases.

My translation work is done voluntarily and free of charge.

With the delivery of my translation to fairstep® I agree explicitly to a publication by fairstep® and subrogate all rights to fairstep®.

I assure that no one else has or will have any rights on my translation.



Closeness creates understanding -

Distance causes misunderstanding!

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